Purpose, goals, and desired outcomes:
- To support, supplement, and complement Íæż½ã½ã's strategic direction.
- To provide insight into staff-managed initiatives and activities related to the member experience.
- Successful implementation of the new membership and dues structure.
One year, no term limits.
Time commitment:
Monthly committee calls (1 hour); participation at national meetings (twice a year).
Íæż½ã½ã member in good standing.
Knowledge of Íæż½ã½ã and general knowledge of design and construction industry and future trends.
Committee/task force make up:
The Member Engagement Committee shall be composed of a chair and up to nine additional members to serve an annual term. The composition of the committee shall represent as broadly as possible all constituencies within Íæż½ã½ã.
Resources available to complete the project or task:
The Member Engagement Committee will have access to resources identified by committee as part of meeting its charge.
Staff Liaison:
Mark Gedris